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Google’s broadband experiment February 11, 2010

Posted by oecstimes in 1.

Developing countries risk missing out on the benefits of IT because of their lack of broadband infrastructure, according to a UN agency.

There is generally a complete failure to recognize the infrastructure needs of developing countries. Experts and Governments alike both misrepresent and misunderstand the message that says you have to suppress the win/lose culture drilled into us by first world economies. Whilst many developing countries have adopted a mobile landscape, connectivity infrastructure solutions and still geared to first world usage scenarios. Developing countries require community networks if they are to benefit from and acquire digital literacy. Consultants and Governments can be smart knowledge brokers by acknowledging trends like 100% mobile ownership and  therefore focusing on infrastructure developments which support devices owned by the majority thus clearly managing risk and providing excellent chances of sustainable development.

One example would be to invite inward investment into new IP only mobile networks rather than wait for existing incumbents to migrate to these models.

Generally, we must accept a mis-match between the development needs of  a nation state and development scenarios of commercial entities.

They are not responsible for development and we  as customers are not responsible for nor should we be chained hand and foot to their business models.


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